Radiohead Update
In the past 2 weeks I’ve been on 5 different radio stations, which I found was quite some going. The first week, I was on Radio Rutland and BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, as previously mentioned. If you missed the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire gig, you can still listen to it on i-Player, by going to the station’s website and clicking Schedule > Sue Dougan and going to the 25th February. I was on at the start of the show, and the interview was 20 – 30 minutes long. I must say I found it a very professional interview – and I still got time to do a short reading from Floodtide!
On the following Sunday I was on Luke Chillingsworth’s show on Radio Peterborough, reading from the novel, talking about the Creative Writing competition and discussing minerals you might find as you walked through the Naxadan lava tubes. It went well, as did the Wednesday afternoon gig on the Spotlight Show with Kristy Overland, on Peterborough FM, another of our local radio stations. It was great to see Kristy again; she was quite excited about improvements the station have made to the studio facilities. The format was very similar to the gig with Luke the previous Sunday. On Friday evening I was on City Hospital Radio with Lloyd Legister. When I’m there another presenter is usually there, Julian Gray, but he wasn’t able to come in that evening. Lloyd wasn’t sure at first if we were going to be able to broadcast that evening, as the computer settings had been changed from the usual ones.
But I thought, “I’ve come this far, we can’t give up now,” and suggested he call the station manager, which he did. Kev told him what he had to do to fix it, and we were able to get started. Again the format was similar, though I varied the actual sections I read between the four gigs (I didn’t have enough time to read aloud at Radio Rutland) and it seemed the broadcast went with a bit of a swing! I do enjoy doing these interviews, and hope the people listening enjoy and find them interesting too.