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Book Wall for Helen Claire Gould Books
Paperback editions are available from these stockists in the Peterborough area:
- Waterstones, Bridge St., Peterborough;
- Beccles Books, 1, Exchange Ho., Exchange Sq., Beccles, NR34 9HH;
- Djibo Art in Queensgate, Peterborough, and also at Sacrewell Mill, near Peterborough;
- Bourne Bookshop, 19, North St., Bourne, PE10 9AE.
The Stallion and She.. are also available from Beccles Books, Waterstones (Peterborough), and Djibo Art.
Not in your area? The paperback editions of all my books are now also available mail order directly from this website.
And the e-book editions are also available from Kindle, as well as Apple, Barnes and Noble, Baker & Taylor, Bibliotheca, BorrowBox, Overdrive, Everand, Palace Marketplace, Gardners, Hoopla, Kobo, Odilo, Smashwords, Tolino and Vivlio.
Sorry, print copies currently only available in the UK mainland at present. I hope to remedy that in the future!
The Zarduth Imperative Discovery – the start of a major new series set in Helen Claire Gould’s universe!
THE JOINT SPACE EXPLORATION PROGRAMME (JSEP) SALVAGES AN ALIEN SPACESHIP at Titan to reverse-engineer its FTL drive. Onboard they find 33 alien children, asleep in a secure room – with a dead alien of a different species outside.
After revival, the children’s leader, Ayar, must find out what happened to the five pregnant Zarduthi warriors, including his mother, assigned to protect the ship and its children. Where are they? Meanwhile the warriors of clan Bekel went to Declain to defend its inhabitants against the Voth, who enslave the Kiai, their former allies.
Earth’s world president separates the children, has them fostered with JSEP families, and forbids them to communicate or meet. And the Neoluddites terror group will stop at nothing to acquire a pristine planet to colonise.
Against these odds, how can Ayar and his friends find out what happened to their parents?
Read the first eight chapters from the book here. Because this story crosses several genres, I decided I’d like to give readers the chance to sample several more chapters than are usually made available — but you can only read the extra chapters here!
Also available as an e-book from Kindle, and from Apple, Baker & Taylor, Barnes and Noble, Gardners, Kobo, Scribd, Smashwords, Tolino and Vivlio, and a whole raft of libraries in the US, via Draft2Digital. I still have to publish it on Lulu, and I still have to publish the rest of my books on D2D! But in 2023 I started to “go wide”…and it looks like it might be completed in 2024!
I am in the process of making a trailer for this book with three friends. We recorded the vocal soundtrack at the end of October. You’ll see it here (and on my YouTube channel) first! However, it may be a while. There will also be blurb-based book trailers for both TZI Discovery and TZI Clanship.
At some point in the new year (2024) there will be a book launch in Peterborough. I plan to launch both TZI Discovery and TZI Clanship together, so please feel free to join me then for a fun night — and do keep popping in here for more information!
I’d like to give a shout-out to my artist for these fantastic book covers, Paul McCaffrey. He’s done a fantastic job — I was looking for a cover in a photorealistic style — and he really pulled out all the stops to get this ready for me. Cheers, Paul — you’re a star! Paul has also created the fantastic book cover for the sequel, TZI Clanship, and is on board for my next novel after that, The Invisible Dance — which is part of another book series set in my universe.
Just a quick mention: any physical books that you buy from Zarduth.com can be signed, so if you’d like that, please let me know when ordering, and let me know who to sign it to if ordering as a gift for someone else.
Price: £13.99 + p & p:
First class: £18.68 (inc. p & p.)
Second class: £17.98 (inc. p & p.)
Pay via PayPal or bank transfer. On receipt of your order an invoice will be issued, with details of how to pay by either method. Your order will then be despatched on receipt of your cleared payment.
£5.49 on Kindle at https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CCPKT7HY
Available now in paperback: The Zarduth Imperative Clanship (the sequel to TZI Discovery.)
The young crew of the Bekel and their human friends have made it to polluted and degraded Declain to find their parents. But they are now trapped in the Zeret-Khachav system between the Voth and the pursuit from Earth, with fleet commander Red Hempel following her own agenda.
Rumours of a high-level Kiai plot to overthrow the Voth have circulated for some time, especially on the space station — base of the Voth fleet — in low Declain orbit. The leader of the Kiai, Chebbu Restiq, periodically organises the Games, a gladiatorial contest that gives the Voth the bloodthirsty entertainment they crave.
On Earth, the Neoluddites pursue the acquisition of a pristine planet for colonisation.
And what are Zarduthi ships the Velakta and the Kemeen doing in the Declaini system? With faction juxtaposed against faction, the stakes for survival couldn’t be higher.
Want to read some chapters from the book? Here‘s a link to the first four chapters. (You can read to the end of the fourth chapter here — but not all e-book retailers include more than a small sample.) Enjoy…!
Want to find out more about the Zarduthi and their world? Click here for further information.
Price: £12.99 + p & p:
First class: £17.68 (inc. p & p.)
Second class: £16.98 (inc. p & p.)
£4.99 on Kindle at https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CQD6Y6PF
Pay via PayPal or bank transfer. On receipt of your order an invoice will be issued, with details of how to pay by either method. Your order will then be despatched on receipt of your cleared payment. This also applies to all my other books.
If you buy from me directly at an event or convention, you can pay by card or cash.
Out now: She…A Trio of Short Fiction Featuring Female Protagonists
Cover of She…
She… contains three short stories: two very short horror stories and a longer time travel story. Here’s the low-down on them:
In The Rustling of Silver Fishes, a woman who has been unable to fully bond with her daughter finds she’s become extremely affectionate after an encounter with genetically-modified wildlife.
Witchbabe: A woman suffering from infertility seeks remediation for her condition from an unusual source.
And a daughter seeks a cure for her mother’s illness across time and space in Spindrift on the Seas of Time. Ironically, the mother was the one seeking the cure before she became infected herself.
These stories all have female parent protagonists, and their common theme is of women’s experiences of parenthood not turning out as expected. Consequences tend to be appropriate to the situation…
Click here to read the start of the novelette Spindrift on the Seas of Time from She…
Published in September 2018 as part of a project to celebrate International Women’s Day 2018, this is £1.99 to download the e-book from Amazon. Here’s the book link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07H8NJFF9.
Or buy the print version directly from this website for £3.99 + p & p:
Price: £3.99 + p & p:
First class: £6.74 (inc. p & p.)
Second class: £6.34 (inc. p & p.)
Pay via PayPal or bank transfer. On receipt of your order an invoice will be issued, with details of how to pay by either method. Your order will be despatched on receipt of your cleared payment.
So, I finally got round to making a book trailer for She… – and here it is, with a soundscape from my cousin Mike Cooper, long-time arts champion, and video editing by my son, Jason Gould. Many thanks to both of you, guys!
And here’s one of me reading the first scene of Spindrift, from She… – enjoy!
Out Now: The Stallion
Cover of The Stallion.
Book trailer for The Stallion, made with the help of Mike Cooper and Jason. Here it is:
Here’s the background to the story:
WHEN HUMANS DISCOVERED THARGOS IV, it seemed the perfect place for a colony of desert-dwelling tribes: an arid planet, deserted but for the native leafless grasses and trees – named Calibans for their squat, ugly appearance – and a few animals. Terran grass and plants grew there with little persuasion. So the colonists came, and built a settlement, and farmed crops.
But the colony was going under. Promised supplies and equipment had never arrived to help the colonists establish themselves on-planet. And the sandstorms had become worse and more frequent.
14-year-old Bashir didn’t expect what happened when he went to help his father at the souk one day. First, a tale of horses living as a wild desert her; then a vision of a beautiful white stallion; and then he learned that the trees were not at all what they seemed as he watched them thresh their limbs from his prayer mat…
‘I enjoyed this…a very assured style…tidy prose…a sound piece of writing.’ – Graham Joyce.
What readers say about The Stallion:
Click here to read an extract from The Stallion.
Price: £3.99 + p & p:
First class: £6.09 inc. p & p.
Second class: £5.54 inc. p & p.
Pay via PayPal or bank transfer. On receipt of your order an invoice will be issued, with details of how to pay by either method. Your order will be despatched on receipt of your cleared payment.
Or download directly from Kindle for 99p at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07BHRWKR5
ON ICY NAXADA, the Shiranu farm in lava tubes under a dormant volcano, avoiding hunter tribe the Sargussi. But the mutually-hostile tribes’ world will soon be torn apart by natural forces.
Planetary geologist and astronomer Jordas Krata, part of a team observing an incoming asteroid, becomes telepathically linked with Yado, a Sargussi man, as he cements a relationship with the lovely Shiranu female runaway Soolkah. Jordas enters this precarious balance of nature to rescue both tribes from the destruction about to rain down on them and help resettle them on a safer planet.
But as a consequence of the brothers in each family group being telepathically linked, and a shortage of females, the social structure of both tribes forces them into polyandry. How can Jordas avoid emotional involvement when he and Yado also share the physical senses – including both painful and pleasurable sensations?
Paperback edition £9.99 from various independent retailers listed above, plus Waterstones Peterborough. You can also buy Floodtide, The Stallion or She… from me at various open mic nights in and around the Peterborough area, Science Fiction conventions, and from my stalls at various events in the Peterborough area. Notifications of these events will appear in my newsletter, on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Release date: 13/10/14.
Click here to buy Floodtide now >>
Floodtide e-book: £3.49 on Kindle, B00NMDZRS2
Or buy the paperback edition as below.
Price: £9.99 + p & p
First class: £13.79 (inc. p & p.)
Second class: £13.19 (inc. p & p.)
Pay via PayPal or bank transfer. On receipt of your order an invoice will be issued, with details of how to pay by either method. Your order will then be despatched on receipt of your cleared payment.
To view our Terms and Conditions of Sale and Returns Policy, please click here.
Click here to read chapters 1 – 3 of Floodtide
Here’s a video of me reading from Floodtide. It has three scenes, each written from a different character’s viewpoint. Enjoy…
And here’s one of my book trailers for Floodtide:
What readers say about Floodtide:
Out now on Kindle: Matthew R Cash’s 12Days horror anthology
I mention this because I have a short story in it, Avenging Angel. The anthology consists of 12 “countdown stories” based on the song The Twelve Days of Christmas, plus a further cycle of stories with horror themes, again loosely based on various Christmas songs. My story is included in the wider anthology. All proceeds go to The Cystic Fibrosis Trust, which runs a helpline for sufferers and their families, conducts research into the disease and has campaigned for the introduction of a new drug which slows the progress of the disease if given to young children with this devastating genetic disorder.
The countdown stories are available on Kindle separately at £0.99 each; the wider anthology is available on Kindle at £1.99 (this excludes the countdown stories); and the paperback version includes both the countdown stories and the wider anthology, and is currently priced at £12.49.
Here’s the video of me reading a short scene from the story:
And here’s the link to the Amazon page for the 12Days anthology: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1539056201/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1482144396&sr=1-1&keywords=12days+anthology
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