A Busy Week Ahead
I’ve just got back from Oakham, where I was interviewed this morning by Rob Persani, of Rutland Radio. We talked about Floodtide initially, and how I started writing again because I was in quite a dark place, and how therapeutic it was after the miscarriages. (It was at that point that I produced The Healer, and it was only after the first draft was finished that I realised I’d picked that story to write – I have quite a few! – because I needed healing myself at that time. It is badly in need of a rewrite, but I’ll be doing that at some point in the future.) Then we talked about the Stamford Creative Writing Competition, with the aim of promoting it as something which any young person between the ages of 14 and 16 who lives or is at school in Stamford, Rutland, UK could enter. The brief is to write about some aspect of Stamford in a creative and inspiring way.
It was quite a short interview, but hopefully an effective one. I do encourage people to get involved in the arts, including creative writing, simply because it’s a calming and therapeutic experience. I find that if I’m upset about something, sitting and writing is great for regaining my equilibrium! The interview will be aired on Rob’s show (6 – 11 am weekdays and 11 – 1 pm on Saturdays), some time over the next week.
This week looks to be quite busy, as I’m going into the Radio Cambridgeshire studio in Peterborough tomorrow, between 12 and 3 pm, for an interview with presenter Sue Dougan – I believe this will be a live interview. I’m also going on air on Friday evening, from 7 – 9 pm with Lloyd and Julian at City Hospital Radio, where I’ll be reading from Floodtide and taking some rocks in to talk about; and on Sunday morning on Radio Peterborough from 10 – 12 am, doing much the same thing on Luke Chillingsworth’s Sunday Sports Show. Any further radio dates will also be posted here, and on my Facebook account, and Author Central page on Amazon, and listed on my home page.